About Us
The Pink Link is a sisterhood of widows
who have come together for the purpose of friendship, encouragement and to help connect widows with resources for services they can trust. No one understands what it is like to be a widow except another widow.
These women lift each other up and encourage each other that there can be meaningful life after the death of their spouse. A group of service providers has been established in support of Pink Link to provide services at reasonable prices and with the understanding of the special needs that come with being a widow.
You’re Not Alone.

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a connection to trusted resources to give women who have lost their husbands a helping hand when they need it.
The Pink Link is sponsored by Metamorphi Church. www.jfabq.com
Can men (widowers) join The Pink Link?
At this point, The Pink Link is all about and for women. There are very different needs for men and at this time we will be focusing on women’s needs. If there is something we can do to help a widower, please send an email with the request to thepinklinkrocks@gmail.com and we will see how we might be able to help.
Does it cost anything to join The Pink Link?
No, there are no membership fees.
Why are you helping widows?
Mostly, it is because we are asked to do this by God in scripture. James 1:27 says that helping widows and orphans in their time of distress is how you can demonstrate true religion. We all have friends and relatives who are widows. There are unique needs that each of them have depending on their situation. We want to be a resource in Albuquerque they can turn to in order to find the help they need when they don’t know where to turn.
How does it work?
Go to our website at thepinklink.org and fill out the form to get started. On that form, you can identify the specific needs that you have and we will help you connect to a trusted resource. We have also heard from our widow friends that companionship and friendship is a huge need, so we are working on developing core groups where general meet-ups and activities will be planned.
What’s New at the Pink Link
Why The Pink Link?
Hi, my name is Marcia Birmingham and I’m the founder of The Pink Link. I retired on May 1, 2021 after working at Presbyterian Healthcare Services for 35 years as the Telecommunications Manager. To say that I loved my job would be an understatement. It was...
Not sure where to start?
Join the Pink Link and we'll point you in the right direction!